Partnership Agreement


Parties Involved:


   Organizers: Israiliyat: Journal of Israeli and Judaic Studies as an initiator and primary organizer, hereinafter “the Organizer”

   Partners: Yours, hereinafter “the Partner” (any academic actor/institution as a co-organizer, hereinafter “the co-Organizer” or any other institution as a supporter of the Conference hereinafter “the Supporter”)

   Title of Conference: Seventh International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies hereinafter “the Conference”

   Location: Konya/Turkey and Yours

Conditions: The subject of this Partnership Agreement is to define the conditions in order to successfully implement the Conference. The Partner will be the co-organizer (only academic institutions) or supporter of the Conference.

The conditions includes non-financial (non-sponsorship) collaborations or contributions, mainly academic promotion activities, such as

 The Organizer may use the name and logo of the Partner in email, website, social media, proceedings and all other materials as a partner before, during and after the Conference.

 The Partner may share name and logo linked from the Conference website in website as well as to provide information about the Conference on social media or other tools you already use as part of organizations promotions.

 The Partner may designate members to organizing or scientific advisory committees as behalf of an university name.


