Main Thema & Topics


This year’s conference main theme is “". In this context, papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. unlisted but related potential sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in Israel’s future perspectives.

The conference, not limited to this year's theme, will include every topic in the field of Israel and Judaism. Shortly The conference scope includes all subareas of Israel and Judaism Studies. These include (but are not only limited to) only the traditional areas in Judaic Studies but also various disciplines like current political issues, international relations, history, and sociology in Israel Studies.

In conference, there are no specific themes, topic, time periods, methods, study disciplines, geographical areas, buzzwords, but the focus of proposals and papers must be oriented to address the conference's field.

As there is a limited amount of time allotted to research presentations, priority will be given to those outlining the original research findings accompanied by a full paper and/or research paper submission if many abstracts are received.

The conference has no main theme, it includes, but is not limited to, the following topics: