Main Thema & Topics
This year’s conference main theme is “". In this context, papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. unlisted but related potential sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in Israel’s future perspectives.
The conference, not limited to this year's theme, will include every topic in the field of Israel and Judaism. Shortly The conference scope includes all subareas of Israel and Judaism Studies. These include (but are not only limited to) only the traditional areas in Judaic Studies but also various disciplines like current political issues, international relations, history, and sociology in Israel Studies.
In conference, there are no specific themes, topic, time periods, methods, study disciplines, geographical areas, buzzwords, but the focus of proposals and papers must be oriented to address the conference's field.
As there is a limited amount of time allotted to research presentations, priority will be given to those outlining the original research findings accompanied by a full paper and/or research paper submission if many abstracts are received.
The conference has no main theme, it includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:
The economy of the Middle East
Israel’s economy
Growth and human capital in the Israeli economy
Israel’s defense Industry
Israel's R&D dynamics
The future of Middle Eastern energy reserves
The effect of political dynamics on regional development
Economic policy of the region
Growth analysis
Future simulations
Effects of international economic developments on the Middle East
Changing Regional Effects of the Global Economy
Effects of the Chinese economy in the Middle East
Middle East policies in Russian Politics
Balance of economic power and sectoral growth in the Middle East
Middle East policies regarding the balance of economic power and regional conflicts
The present and future of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Region,
Turkish- Israeli Political Economy
The future of the Iranian, Turkish, and Israeli Economies from the perspective of regional power
Middle East policies of the USA and EU
Archaeology, historiography and the visualization of the past
Boycott and the Politics of Solidarity
Conflict management in the Israeli- Palestinian conflict
Contemporary Jewry
Deal of the Century
Displacement and the Refugees
Egyptology and Judaism in Egypt
Energy politics
Halacha and Sharia
Halachic state vs Jewish state vs Democratic state
Hamas and Turkey
Hebrew education in Turkey
Human rights in Israel
Identity in Israel
Ignorance is Bliss vs Knowledge is Power: Muslim knowledge of Israel and Judaism
Israel and its Neighbors
Israel- diaspora relations
Israel–Russia relations
Israel- Turkey relations
Israel’s Arab minority: past, present, future
Israel’s political and legislative shift rightwards over the last decade
Israel’s political left
Israeli settlements in the occupied territories
Israeli universities and colleges
Jewish history and culture
Jewish law and Jewish thought
Jewish manuscript sources: Bible and Talmud, and Rabbinic literature
Jewish mysticism
Judaism or Israel focused or related courses in Turkish universities
Judeo-Islamic studies
Karaite (Hazar) Studies
Loss of the Holy Land and Jerusalem
Migration, settlement and diaspora
Nation building and state education
National languages: from old sacred tongue/colloquial to modern high language
New Directions in Israeli and Jewish Studies
Eastern Languages and Literatures Department in Turkey and Hebrew Language and Literature Program
Comparative Semitics and Ural-Altaic Languages
NGOs related with Jerusalem in Turkey
Ottoman Jerusalem
Politics of Human Shielding
Pre-State Jewish community in Palestine
Reform Judaism
Islamic–Jewish relations
Religion in public sphere: changes and expansion along the years
Religious nationalism and conflict over the Holy Place
Religious sites in Jerusalem and holy places tour, religious tourism
Rule of law in Israel and states of emergency in the occupied territory
Russian-Speaking Jewish Diaspora
Sabbatai Zevi and the Sabbatean Movement
Six-Day War, 1967
Start-up technology and military industry
Studies in the archaeology of Israel and neighboring lands
Study of Jewish names
The image of Arab/Islam in contemporary Hebrew writings
The Politics of Archives
The Turk in the Hebrew literature
The Turkish Left and Arab- Israeli conflict
Theology and Jewish thought
Turkish- Jewish encounters over 500 Years
Turkish Jews relation with American Jews vs European Jews, their religious identities.
Turkish TV Series and Actors in Israel
Turks, Seljuqs, Ottomans and republican Turkey in the Israeli academia
Two-State Solution One-State Solution?
War and Religion
Zionist Congresses