Preparation & Submission


Prospective authors are invited to submit abstracts of full-length original research papers, which have not been submitted, published, or under consideration elsewhere. Each participant can submit and present up to two papers. All proposals will undergo a double-blind review by at least two expert reviewers. Reviewers’ assessments will be taken into account by the conference organizing committee in making final decisions regarding the acceptance of papers for presentation.

Although all abstracts must be submitted before the conference, it is possible for and full texts and research articles to be submitted before or after the conference.

Papers should begin with a first sheet stating the title of the paper, name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s) and contact information.

The abstract and/or full text is converted into a ready to publish format according to the sample template of the proceedings book/journal and sent for correction by email with "Notice to Author after Initial Submission" as the subject line.

In order not to adjust the format and version in correspondence every time, this joint file, which is converted into a ready-to-publish format by clicking the Drive link in the sent e-mail, should be downloaded to the computer, which facilitates the collaborative authoring and editing workflow. This Word file should be resubmitted after completing necessary revisions and expansions, if any.

If word processor’s “Track Changes” function has been used, all changes must be accepted before the manuscript is submitted. Kindly note that the text highlighted in yellow color need to be finalized.

Due to becoming interdisciplinary conference there are no strict requirements on text formatting especially reference formatting at submission of full text. All full texts must contain the essential elements, for example title, abstract, keywords, introduction, main body (with local/decimal numbering of subheadings) conclusion, notes/references. All citation systems are acceptable if followed consistently throughout the paper. Surname, Name• ("Title of Chapter/Article•") Title of Book (, edited by Name Surname, pages•) Location: Publisher, Year• (Title of Journal volume, no. issue (Year): pages•) URL (accessed…)• must be present, if applicable,. Any methods of citation (in-text/parenthetical or footnotes/ endnotes.) can be used in a paper. We gently advise authors the use of Chicago Style for formatting.

For the format for citation and references in your article, view the Writing Rules page published on the journal's related web page, and click the section titled “4. Bibliography and Notes”.


Abstracts may be submitted in either English or Turkish.

Please do not submit the introductory section of the paper, a purpose statement, or a letter of intent as an abstract. The abstract should provide readers with a clear self-standing description of your study and its results. An English abstract is required for all papers.

Abstracts should be from 500 to 750 words in length and contain 4-7 keywords, they also may include a short bibliography. Authors will be able to further edit their abstracts after the presentation.

As the conference is international, it is important that the title, text, and keywords in non-English abstracts are in English. There is no requirement for a Turkish summary for those who do not speak Turkish. When finalizing the abstract or full text, presentations uploaded to the YouTube playlist of that year's conference can be used.

Any author who is not fluent in English may want to consider obtaining assistance from a colleague to help eliminate errors in style and grammar.

Full Text

Since the conference presentations are limited to 20 minutes, submitted papers should be between 2, 000-4, 000 words in length. The text needs to include the following: (i) abstract, (ii) introduction, (iii) body of the paper (with local/decimal numbering of subheadings), (iv) conclusion, and (v) references/ Bibliography. English abstract must be submitted for papers written in Turkish.

The file should be sent to <>. Upon acceptance for presentation at the conference, the authors will be asked to submit at least one of their full text or/and research article by conference date. Full text will be published in the books titled Proceeding and Abstract Book of the Seventh International Conference on Israel and Judaism Studies 2024.

Research Article

Full length research articles should range between 4, 000 to10, 000 words in length to be published in the Israiliyat journal or as a chapter in the conference’s edited volume. If the presentation has been previously published in the presentation and abstract book, it must be at least 50% expanded form of this published full text when published as a research article.


The conference Organizing Committee has decided to hold the autumn conference online from December 12 to 16, 2024.

ICIJS will offer opportunities for three forms of virtual participation:

(i) live presentations using synchronous/real-time video conferencing (Google Meet),

(ii) pre-recorded presentations available for asynchronous viewing, and

(iii) mixed presentations combining pre-recorded video content and live interaction.

While the first three conferences had been organized as hybrid events by combining mostly traditional "live" presentations, with online components, the following conferences were completely online.

Virtual conferencing makes attendance possible for people who have financial, family-related (caring commitments), physical (disability), health (Virus) and political (passport, visa) constraints, substantially changing the number and distribution of participants. The online format also improves accessibility in several ways:

A) similarly to the Israiliyat open-access journal, the conference archive (both prerecorded with or without live Q&A and recorded live talks with Q&A) will be open to the whole scientific community and general public on> YouTube address.

B) closed captions (CC) improve retention & focus

C) the availability of closed caption (CC) translations, creating a truly multilingual conference.

Despite the environmental, financial, and other advantages associated with online conferences, we know that virtual meetings cannot not replicate the face-to-face interaction of a conventional conference talk and Q&A. Therefore, we expect plan next year’s conference to return to a hybrid (both physical and virtual) format. We hope that it will promote lively discussion and help build a community of scholars with intersecting research interests.

We advise all virtual presenters, even those who want to make live video conference, to submit their presentation recording to us by the conference time. We need to check pre-recorded presentations in good time to ensure there are no technical issues and to suggest ways to improve the quality of the recordings if needed. Live-streamed presentations will be recorded and archived.

Live-streamed presentations will be recorded and archived

The schedule of online presentations will be announced on the ICIJS website. Please be online 10 minutes before your session, in order to check the internet connection and to make necessary adjustments of volume, lighting, etc.. Participants will need access to a computer with a webcam, a high-speed Internet connection and a microphone. Each approximately 20-minute presentation slot should be divided into two parts: (i) 15 minutes for the virtual talk itself, (ii) 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

The video presentations can be prepared in any language if subtitled in English or Turkish.

We recommend that native Turkish speakers who present in a non-Turkish language briefly summarize the main points of their papers in in Turkish for the Turkish audience.

Live Presentation

The conference will be held virtually, through video conferencing via Google Meet.

You can join the meeting via Meet, Gmail or web browser (Chrome, etc) mobile/desktop applications.

There will be a constant URL address (>) redirected to single Meeting ID link to join all video meeting on browser. To join the conference directly from the Google Meet application, the meeting code must be entered or click on the invitation link created via Google Calendar. In addition, you can join the meeting via Google calendar by entering the calendar ID of the Israiliyat calendar <>, signing up with a shareable link address (>) or viewing the public URL address (>).

Personal account users must request permission before they can join the video meeting, if “quick access” is turned off by the the host

A certificate of participation will be sent via e-mail to all presenters who make live (synchronous) or pre-recorded (asynchronous) presentations following the virtual conference.

Google Meet will be used for written/visual Q&A and messaging.

In case of more than one session at the same time, breakout rooms can be used.

All times are Istanbul time (GMT+3, EST+8)

Pre-Recorded Presentation

All virtual participants who do not attend the live online sessions must submit their pre-recorded presentations by December 4th. Pre-recorded presenters can join the live Q&A.

ICIJS accepts various forms of presentations can be prerecorded In various ways: i) video-recording by laptop/smartphone/webcam (talking head), (ii) screen recording (Windows), iii) PowerPoint (Follow these instructions to add audio (and optionally video) to your slides), iv) video conference applications (Zoom, OBS, Webex, Skype, Meet,  GoToMeeting, Teams).

If a registrant is unable to attend an event due to an unexpected emergency, they may consult with a co-chair to have a substitute attend in their place or they may send pre-recorded videos to be presented at the conference.

Simulive Presentation

It is possible to present your speeches as simulive. Simulive enables you to record a video in advance and replay it at a specified day and time just as a live session with all live interactions such as chat, Q&A and reactions.

 By recording your video/presentation before your broadcast date, you'll still continue interaction with your audience before/during/after your scheduled event. This allows you to provide a polished and timely session while not missing out on valuable Q&A time and ensures that you keep your audience engaged. Synchronous Q&A can occur as attendees join the session, during the session, and/or after the prerecorded video portion.

Simulive presentations should be introduced with a short livestreamed message telling the audience that they will be watching a pre-recorded session, to be followed by a live discussion and question and answer period.